We, Japan Karate Shoto Federation (JKS) belongs to one of the 4 major schools of traditional karate, the Shotokan schools.
[4 Major Schools are : Shotokan-ryu 松濤館流, Goju-ryu 剛柔流, Ito-ryu 糸東流, Wado-ryu 和道流 ]

Traditional style Karate (= 伝統派空手 Dento-ha karate) is a school or organization of karate-do that trains and competes based on koden (old school) or some traditional techniques, rather than full contact karate or the KARATE found in mixed martial arts, etc. The term does not refer to a specific style.

Characteristics of Traditional style karate

・ Emphasis on civility
・ Compared to full-contact karate, there is a greater amount of "basic practice" and "kata" training
・ Many of the training methods used in traditional karate have been handed down since ancient times

About Shotokan-ryu

Shotokan-ryu is a style of karate, developed from various martial arts by Gichin Funakoshi (1868–1957) and his son Gigo (Yoshitaka) Funakoshi (1906–1945).
As the most widely practiced style, Shotokan-ryu is considered a traditional and influential form of karate do.

Characteristics of Japan Karate Shoto Federation (JKS)

Shotokan-ryu training is usually divided into three parts: kihon (basics), kata (forms or patterns of moves), and kumite (sparring).
Techniques in kihon and kata are characterised by deep, long stances that provide stability, enable powerful movements, and strengthen the legs.
Shotokan-ryu is regarded as a dynamic martial art as it develops anaerobic, powerful techniques as well as developing speed.

About Samurai Dojo

The Samurai Dojo was established in 2013 as the Bangkok branch of Japan Karate Shoto Federation (JKS).
We, Samurai dojo throw open our doors to everyone. irrespective any age, any schools of karate, any nationarity and experience.

If you are interested in traditional style karate or love karate, let's practice together.

Schedule :

Wednesday* 19:00-20:00
Friday* 19:00-20:00
Saturday 16:00-17:00
Sunday** 17:00-18:00

* If Wednesday and Friday are public holidays, the time will be changed to 16:00-17:00
** 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. only practice kata

Fee :

Membership charge - Free
Practice fee: 300 bath / 1 time/ 1 hour

Free trial available

You can join our practice once for free as trial.
No reservation required. You can come at any time you like.

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